一样的产品,不一样的卖法? Msia’s Latest ‘Cross-Selling’ Platform

上网一定要打价格战? Price War?

差不多的产品? 谁都在卖? 没完没了的价格战? 生意本来就难做, 网上卖就稳赚?
Selling the same products as other shops? Price war everywhere online?


选对合作伙伴/平台Choose Your Partner/Platform


It’s not always the ‘cheapest wins’. Think about ‘cross selling’ concept online. If everyone is selling the same products, then you will need to provide differentiation point/services for your customers rather than just being the cheapest.

Local Shop Platform Malaysia 马来西亚本地店平台

已帮助超过500家传统本地企业采用上线营销策略 (包括零售,批发以及服务业)

Shop Hubby provide latest sales and marketing solutions to local businesses around in Malaysia. We have featured more than 500 local businesses across different categories and targeted audiences with proven sales and marketing strategy.


还在守株待兔?Still Waiting?

Let us cross sell your products for you! We have various online platforms including Shop Hubby, Penang Shop Hubby, Johor Shop Hubby, Food Hubby and Design Hubby to promote your business/products. Get in touch with us via Whatsapp (KJ +6010-5697188) or email us shophubby@gmail.com.


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